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This is a handmade Petersen Type M spear head that is safe and useable in Viking and Saxon battle reenactment.

It has been forged from spring steel and hardened and tempered to make it impact resistant.

All spear heads come with an annealed nail to rivet it onto your spear shaft.

Please note, price is for one spear head.

Safety features:

Swelling on tip, minimum 10mm diameter.
Edges rounded off to a minimum of 2mm.

Overall length - 26cm
Blade length - 15cm
Socket diameter - 2.5cm

Weight - 170 grams


Made by Jackhammer Forge, A fantastic upand coming  UK Blacksmith. 

As these spearheads are hand forged there may be some slight variation in the dimensions above. However this means that each piece made is slightly different and unique to the owner.

Peterson Type M Spear tip

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